There is a Workshop for that! | The greatest Podcast about Facilitation

There is a Workshop for that! | The greatest Podcast about Facilitation

Leverage your facilitation skills and learn from the best!

Forge Connections, Expand Networks at the 2nd Edition of Facilitators Retreat with Michiel Hauwaert and Katrien Schepers

Forge Connections, Expand Networks at the 2nd Edition of Facilitators Retreat with Michiel Hauwaert and Katrien Schepers

Get an exclusive peek behind the scenes as I chat with Katrien Schepers and Michiel Hauwaert, the brilliant minds behind the Facilitators Connect Retreat. Back by popular demand after the resounding success of its inaugural edition in September 2023, we dive into the journey from inception to sequel.

Tune in to

👉🏻 Delve into the highs and lows of organizing the inaugural event, sharing candid anecdotes and lessons learned along the way.
👉🏻 Revisit the impactful moments and lasting impressions from the first retreat, uncovering the profound effect it had on participants and organizers alike.
👉🏻 Discover what prompted Katrien and Michiel to extend the legacy of the retreat with a follow-up edition, fueled by the overwhelming feedback and demand.
👉🏻 Get an exclusive preview of what's in store for the upcoming retreat, including program highlights, the picturesque location in France, and invaluable insights awaiting attendees.



Get your €250 discount by using the code FC-NATHY when registering at [](


Crafting a 4-Week Bootcamp for Freelance Facilitators with La Workshoppeuse Team

In this exciting episode, join us as we delve into our personal journeys and unveil the collaborative project we've been eagerly crafting: the Take-Off Bootcamp, designed to empower facilitators on their path to freelancing success.

Tune-in to

✨ Hear about Nathy's adventurous move to Bali and the unique experiences she's encountered along the way.

🤗 Join the conversation around work-life balance in freelance life, sharing our candid insights and practical tips for navigating the daily juggle.

💡Discover the importance of carving out time to work on your business and gain valuable direction in your freelance journey.

💥 Dive into the art of designing captivating workshop sessions

🚀 Get a behind the scenes as we unveil the collaborative process of building our upcoming bootcamp, offering a glimpse into the inspiration and dedication driving its creation.

Want to get more information about the bootcamp:
- Sign up here to get the infos:
- Book a 20 min call with Nathy:

Unlocking Human-Centered Innovation with Gitanjali Ponnappa, EY Partner in business Transformation

In this episode, Apa and I have the pleasure of interviewing the inspirational Gitanjali Ponnappa, a Partner at EY for Business Transformation and leader of the EY Innovation Hubs known as wavespace. Gitanjali brings a wealth of experience and insights into the importance of human-centered approaches in driving change and innovation within organizations.

Tune in as we delve into the following key points:

🌟 **Human-Centered Innovation:** Discover why prioritizing human-centered thinking is crucial for driving meaningful change and innovation within organizations.

🤝 **The Role of Facilitation:** Explore how facilitation plays a pivotal role in driving outcomes and effectively communicates the importance of human-centered thinking to decision-makers.

🔍 **Generalist vs. Specialist:** Join the debate on whether it's better to be a generalist or have topic expertise as a facilitator, and understand the significance of having a deep understanding of the business context.


**Waiting-List for La Workshoppeuse TAKE-OFF Bootcamp:**

**Sign up for our Newsletter** “La Workshoppeuse-Gazette” here :

**Email your questions to** :

Navigating Freelancing and Enhancing Virtual Experiences with Saïd Saddouk

I am more than happy to welcome my peer in the butter community, Said Saddouk, also known as The Facilitainer, an expert in creating captivating virtual sessions. Saïd shares his journey into freelancing and discusses the challenges of transitioning into this career path.

Tune into our little chat about:

👉🏻 Said’s path into freelancing during the pandemic

👉🏻 The challenge of quitting a job without a plan B

👉🏻 How using LinkedIn to share knowledge and build a following that leads to new opportunities

👉🏻 His passion about tech that turn to a business helping facilitators and trainers create more engaging and interactive experiences.


**Waiting-List for La Workshoppeuse TAKE-OFF Bootcamp:**

**Sign up for our Newsletter** “La Workshoppeuse-Gazette” here :

**Email your questions to** :

Understanding and managing different Personalities for effective facilitation with Apa, Audrey and Myself

Join me, Apa, and Audrey as we delve into our own experiences of clicking instantly upon meeting, possibly due to our shared ENFP personality type. We'll explore the diverse range of personalities often found among facilitators and discuss practical strategies for leveraging these differences in the facilitation process.

In this episode, we'll cover:

🔍 Insights into why connections sometimes instantly click or don't
🧠 Deep dive into ENFP and INFP personality types common among facilitators
🎨 Introduction to the DISC model, categorizing individuals into four colors representing their communication styles

Email your questions to :[](

Sign up for our Newsletter “La Workshoppeuse-Gazette” here :

Making Sales exciting with Penny Blackmore

It's an absolute delight to have Penny Blackmore on the show! After enjoying her previous podcast, "Happy Hours," hosted with Brittni Bowering, I couldn't wait to dive into a conversation with her.

Today, we explore how Penny utilizes facilitation techniques to engage with her B2B clients, gathering valuable insights for effective collaboration. Additionally, she shares insights on her program designed to empower self-employed individuals to approach sales confidently, prioritizing authenticity over flashy marketing tactics

Tune in to listen to our little chat about:

👉🏻 Her Background

👉🏻 How facilitation methods enables her to gather customers information

👉🏻 How to sale without being salesy as a freelancer

👉🏻 Her great program coming out in a few days


**Email your questions to** :

**Sign up for our Newsletter** “La Workshoppeuse-Gazette” here :

**Waiting-List for La Workshoppeuse TAKE-OFF Bootcamp:**

Exploring Innovative Solutions through the Eyes of Children with Bas Warmerdam, founder of ConsultingKids

I have the great pleasure to welcome Bas Warmerdam, founder of ConsultingKids. Not only does he work with renowned companies as a consultant and facilitator, but he also helps them by turning their complex organizational issues into simple concepts for kids to creatively solve, then applies their solutions back in the organization.

Today, he joins us to unveil the concept and the magic of this new way of working.

What to Expect in Our Conversation:

Bas shares insights into:

👉🏻 **His Background**

👉🏻 **The Concept of ConsultingKids:** an innovative approach of using children's perspectives to tackle organizational challenges.

👉🏻 **The Power of Children's Thinking:** Explore how children ask different questions and generate a multitude of ideas, sparking innovative solutions.

👉🏻 **The Companies and Success Stories:** Delve into the clients and the fascinating challenges that ConsultingKids has successfully addressed, turning organizational issues into enchanting adventures.

ConsultingKids leverages the creative, uninhibited thinking of children to develop innovative solutions for organizational and societal challenges, regardless of complexity. For more information, visit [ConsultingKids website](

And... they would love to get in touch with companies and government organizations around the world to help solve their top 5 challenges, no matter the complexity! For contact, email Bas, the founder, at [](

Stepping out of the Comfort Zone with Apa hospodková and Audrey Thouvenin

Ever thought of quitting the comfort of your 9-5? We did it!

Join me, Apa and Audrey as we discuss the many occasions we’ve stepped outside of our comfort zones. The fears, the excitement and the various support systems that made all this possible.

From moving abroad, to quitting our corporate jobs, we’re exploring how fears are assumptions we’re making about outcomes, and how equipped we are to deal with that.
📣 Spoiler alert! We also uncovered the real story behind Apa’s viral video/nightmare! 🫣

In this episode, you’ll learn about:
🌍 Our respective moving abroad experiences
😱 How society expectations and our own fears prevent us from taking the leap
🪄 How to mitigate your fears with system such as Tim Ferriss Fear Setting Exercise

Exploring the Facilitation Landscape with Deborah Rim Moiso from SessionLab

Today I welcome Deborah Rim Moiso. Not only is she an endorsed *Endorsed Facilitator with the IAF*, but she also serves as one of the editors of the prestigious "State of Facilitation Report" alongside the talented SessionLab team.

She join us today to unveil the real state of facilitation as we enter 2024.

Tune in to discover:

👉🏻 Her Background
👉🏻 How facilitators can enhance their workshop design process with the tools and resources available on the SessionLab platform
👉🏻 The highlight from the State of Facilitation 2024


**Email your questions to** :

**Sign up for our Newsletter** “La Workshoppeuse-Gazette” here :


Welcoming my biz’buddies Apa Hospodková and Audrey Thouvenin

Today I welcome my 2 partner in crime, Apa hospodková and Audrey Thouvenin, to have a little chat during our Workshopping Weekend at my home in Germany.

Both are high skilled corporate Workshop facilitators who will join me on the podcast every 2 weeks in our so called “Spin-off’s”

*In these fortnightly episodes, we'll chat about all things facilitation, share our experiences, and explore topics related to our craft. It's like having a cozy chat with old friends, and we can't wait to have you join us!*

This short, a tad wild episode gives you a sneak peek into the vibe that awaits you in future episodes.

In this episode, we cover:

👥 An introduction to Apa and Audrey
🤝 How our paths crossed and why having biz buddies is crucial
🌟 Our shared mission and what keeps us going